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It looks like we don't have any offers running at the moment. Please check other sections for the offers. You can reach out to us for offers at support@bigstartups.co
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Contact usWe took years to observe and design the most relevant and best of best services for the startup ecosystem. Below are few services that BigStartups Network boasts off, especially designed for the needs of the global startup ecosystem.
Make your feed posts visible all across BigStartups Network to increase the visibility of it by making it global. Our systems then try to show it to as many people as possible.
By making a post global you ensure high visibility of it across BigStartups Network. Your post is delivered to as many people as possible irrespective of region, interests, cities, etc.
Global posts are sent to feeds of every member on BigStartups Network. However, it's not posted in any of the city chapters. To post in all the city chapters of the world you can use our global power circulation feature.
Global posts are sent to feeds of every member on BigStartups Network. However, it's not posted in any of the city chapters. To post in all the city chapters of the world you can use our global power circulation feature.
By making a post global you also earn a chance to add your post in our global email circulars. If selected for global email circulation, it would mean it's a high priority post and attract serious attention from members.
Follow the steps below to understand how you can use our services.
Simply login to BigStartups Network and make a post. You can post links, images, text, articles, products, deals, startups, youtube videos, etc.
After you have made a post, it will be immediately available in your feed and also in your profile timeline. Click on the promote button available in bottom right of your post to get different options for promotions.
Promote button will take you to promote page for your post where you will see a list of dropdowns. You can choose to make your post global to make it available to all te users, members and vistors of BigStartups network. Our systems will try to show your post to as many people as possible. Also, making your post global provides an opportunity to send it in our global email circular through our email circulation service, which is sent out to all the members of BigStartups Network.
Access to wide pool of student talent across the globe
Diving into a treasure trove of knowledge
Win exciting prizes by winning startups and products feedback.
'Hire with Startups' is a cutting-edge recruitment platform designed
Diving into a treasure trove of knowledge
Win exciting prizes by winning startups and products feedback.
It looks like we don't have any offers running at the moment. Please check other sections for the offers. You can reach out to us for offers at support@bigstartups.co
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Contact usIt looks like we don't have any exlusive offers for you at the moment. Please check other sections for the offers. You can reach out to us for offers at support@bigstartups.co
In case if you need more information or any other support
Contact usIt looks like we don't have any offers that are expiring soon. Please check other sections for the offers.
In case if you need more information or any other support
Contact usIt looks like we don't have any running offers from the startups in our community. Please check other sections for the offers.
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