Competitive Analysis Tool is an amazing tool for startup comparisons and progress tracking. Create your startup channel on our website for free and make it a part of our startup rankings system. Compare your statistics with other startups with our free Competitive Analysis tool.

Bigstartups Startup Rankings And Analytics Engine

Web Performance
Track your startup's daily web performance with us
Social Performance
Know your startup's social presence and engagement everyday
Daily Analysis
Your startup will be analysed and ranked everyday.
Competitive Intelligence
Compare your startups performance with your competitors
Startups are ranked everyday on their social and web performance. You get to see graphical analysis of your startup's performance everyday. Competitive tool is extremely user friendly and very handy to use. Simply select startups you wish to compare and click on the tabs to see graphs for each metrics. You can also change the type of graph, date ranges, etc. With this amazing tool you get to know how well you are doing in comparison to your competitors and which areas you need to focus more.