Dos & Don'ts Of Hiring Remote Full Stack Developers From Outsourced Vendor

Dos & Don'ts Of Hiring Remote Full Stack Developers From Outsourced Vendor

How to hire full-stack developers? Has this question been hovering all over your mind for a long time?

Indeed, hiring developers is a strenuous task as it requires you to think about many aspects such as your budget, developer quality, developer cost, and more. 

Besides, there is no guarantee that you wouldn't face any problems during your project development. Amidst all of this, you would be wondering what the right strategy is to hire full-stack developers for your next project. 

Altogether, hiring remote developers can always be a question of compromised quality. Here are some statistics that show how small work is becoming better. 

  • As per the CoSo Cloud report, 77% of remote employees asserted that they are more productive during work from home. 

  • The Atlassian report suggests that 76% of employees preferring work from home completely concentrate on a project.

  • 83% of remote and on-site employees have indicated that a small work opportunity makes them feel happier in their jobs. 

No hard and fast rule can solve all your problems in seconds when hiring remote developers. However, a complete guide to hire full-stack developers can help you out!

So, let's look at certain aspects that you should keep in mind while hiring remote full-stack developers from outsourced vendors. 

Dos Of Hiring Remote Full-Stack Developers

#1. Do A Background Check To Ensure Reliability


Many outsourcing companies promise to provide you with expert developers. However, only a handful of them have talented developers available for your project, as experts are already busy working on other projects. 

Thus, you need to do a background check regarding their services and credibility. Gauge their reputation by learning portfolio, reviews, ratings, and feedback from previous customers. It will enable you to understand the vendor's market position and understand what perspective the company holds. 

Besides, you need to seek information from online forums, where clients constantly review these vendors and IT outsourcing companies. If the company isn't trusted or reliable, it can turn out to be the most significant setback in your journey to hire developers, and you may end up with a back task force. 

The risks are greater if you don't measure the vendors' developer capacity and the types of developers.


 #2. Interview Developers Before Hiring

When you are going to hire mean stack developers, you need to understand their skills and talents. Thus, you need to interview the developers and ask them about their skill set. Here are some aspects you need to measure. 

  • Ask them about technologies in which they have worked. 

  • Put their previous work experience on the table and understand their expertise.  

  • Check their communication skills if they know your language. 

  • Ask them how they would carry out your project development. 

  • If you are a technical person, then ask some technology-related questions to check their skills. 

Asking all of these questions would allow you to understand their potential and enable you to make the right choice while hiring remote developers.

#3. Do Ask About Their Initiatives

The most significant is developers need to be self-starters. They can make their plan of action and don't need any third shoulder to carry out tasks such as planning and analysis. If you need someone looking over them every second to check their performance, it is not good. 

Make sure that you ask them about their initiatives in projects and how they organize their work. Managing time is also a critical need in every project development; thus, you must ensure that your hiring developer has excellent time management skills. 

Besides, ask them about roadblocks they have experienced in previous projects and how they have solved them. Ask them a real-life example where they implemented their self-initiative nature, their role, and which all other members were there in the team. 

Learning about their approach and self-initiative behavior will allow you to understand how active they would be as the developer during your project, or you would have to keep a keen eye on them. 

#4. Conduct Skill-Oriented Tests and Code Reviews

Indeed, you would be thinking of asking them about the programming language, framework, and tools during the interview, but be prepared to test some knowledge in the test. Conduct a test where you give them a specific scenario of writing code, and ask the candidate about the pseudo-code and approach of solving problems. 

When hiring remote developers, the major challenge would be checking their tests in real-time, as you cannot have a whiteboard. For this, you can use tools like a shared text editor and review the work on the screen. You can begin with questions like "How are you gonna solve this challenge?" and "What do you want to ask regarding this code?" 

Conducting these types of challenges allows you to understand the candidate's capability and code and communicate their ideas. Moreover, it will enable you to gauge their skills in real-time and understand their approach to coding and solving the challenge. 

A Professional's tip: If you are hiring remote budget developers, give the candidate a small paid project and perceive 8-16 hours at max. Ask them about the hourly rate, and come up with an agreeable total price. Declare your requirement and expectation. Ask them to illustrate by email or screen capture video application. And understand everything, including their choice of framework and workflow.

#5. Check With Their References

As I suggest already, confirming the remote developers' capabilities, experience and achievements are essential, and when it comes to jotting down everything on paper, it is difficult. Thus, interviews and resumes always have different outcomes. 

So, remember all the references they give you are a significant source of information into the developer's expertise. Also, you can ask for a reference for their previous job despite every uncertainty. You can also ask their second recent client and current workplace, gauge their comfort and learn about them. 

You will see a clear view of what you need to do while hiring remote full-stack developers and outsourced vendors from the above. Now, let's take a glance at what you shouldn't do and why.

Don'ts Of Hiring Remote Full-Stack Developers

#1. Don't Miss Out On Diversity

There might be so many developers who have their own approach to working. If their working style is different, it doesn't mean that it can't add value to your project or team. All you have to do is set expectations from each individual and provide them with an environment to achieve milestones while working in unison.


#2. Don't Just Cling To A Script 

For your project, you only need a good candidate with an outstanding level of expertise, a glimpse of which you already see in their resume and previous job experiences. Avoid expecting the candidate to precisely remembers a language style or syntax during the skill test. 

Or, if they are having difficulty in understanding the problem, ensure to reframe or move on. You can also discuss why they are nervous or messing up. If you are in doubt, have some backup questions and exercises to keep on testing.


#3. Don't Think That One Bad Client Exposure Is A Bad Reflective

More than one poor client experience is undoubtedly a red flag. However, most of the time, companies and developers don't mess. If a company and candidates don't fit in, it doesn't mean that they won't fit in your team. Thus, don't think that a bad client experience is a red flag. 

Ask the candidate about their work exposure with the client and what went wrong. How did they solve the situation, and what did they learn from it? Lastly, ask them about your company and what questions they have regarding the project. It will allow you to understand if they have done some research in your work.


Wrapping Up

Hiring remote full-stack developers from outsourced vendors can become a headache if you don't keep the right approach with a positive mindset. You don't need to look over an IT outsourcing company; you have to learn about their team's capabilities and how they will accomplish your project. 

It allows you to decide on the developer that can make a difference in your project. The mentioned dos and don'ts can help you pick the right team from your project from the outsourced vendor. Besides, see through the potential of developers, not just how many frameworks and technologies they know. 

If you want to hire full-stack developer in India, then PixelCrayons can be your ideal partner.

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